Rudiments of the Remnant Church

       The term, “Remnant Church” is not necessarily the name of a local church.  It’s the designation for a Spirit-generated ideology that congregations rally around, a worldview that seeks to regain the operational outlook of the Early Church.  The movement usually begins with church leadership who come to realize that we are beginning the approach to God’s Kingdom Age.  Excitement rises as they become aware of the way God wants their church to be operating in our current time-segment. 

Surveying God’s Kingdom
       The Kingdom of God/Kingdom of Heaven denotes God’s sovereign, royal authority—and the cosmic acceptance of His authority.  “The Kingdom” refers basically to the spiritual entity that has always existed, it exists today and always will—it is eternal.  Since the Garden of Eden, God has granted Kingdom citizenship to every repentant sinner joining the faith-family of believers.  Try to fathom this:  When you and I were redeemed, born again, we became citizens of the Eternal Spiritual Kingdom of God!  Genesis 15:6 indicates that Abraham was a Kingdom citizen:  “Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.”
       But God started a new thing with Abraham.  Abraham was called to be the father of a parallel side track to the Spiritual Kingdom:  the political, physical entity, Jewish National Israel.  It later became the Kingdom of David.  Davidic succession, however, was interrupted by the Babylonian captivity, but National Israel continued on for several hundred years until, in due time, Jesus was born.  All the royal lines of David precisely converged in Him—He was/is the King of the Jews, Messiah, God Incarnate, Greater Son of David, King over the Kingdom of Israel, Melchizedek-Order King-High Priest…and so much more!  All glory and praise to Him!

The Restored Kingdom Offered
       About AD 30 Jesus presented Himself to accept His rightful position as King-Messiah; He was ready to restore the Davidic Kingdom to Israel.  But Israel’s leadership refused and instead pressured the Romans to crucify Jesus.  So, God postponed the political Kingdom of David—although the Eternal Spiritual Kingdom continued throughout, as it does yet today.  And…Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection served to validate and fund the operating principle of the Spiritual Kingdom—the area of it that relates to humanity.  After Calvary, when believers are born again into God’s Kingdom, forgiveness of sin is no longer on credit awaiting deposit.  With His own blood, Jesus actually paid the sin debt for all; He then was free to carry Paradise with Him when He ascended to Heaven (see Eph 4:8–10).  When we die now, we can go directly to Heaven.
       Jesus’ redemptive work became the legal and foundational principle underlying all further Kingdom development.  From the point of Jesus’ passion, the political Kingdom is longer based solely on royal Davidic succession (succession is still important!), Jesus is infinitely worthy of worship and every accolade including world kingship because He was slain and bought redemption for all (but it’s effective only for those who trust Him).  From Calvary forward the redemptive element took priority—Jesus became the Redeemer over God’s Kingdom of the Redeemed (another name that can be applied to humanity’s part of the Spiritual Kingdom).  All subsequent Kingdom activity, both spiritual and visible, would proceed pre-eminently on the new foundation of Jesus’ finished redemptive work.  In reality, Jesus has always been the King of Israel, now He is more:  He is King-Redeemer for all humanity.

Looking Ahead…
       But it’s not over.  Jesus is coming back!  Building on all the pivotal, life-changing, cosmos-changing accomplishments of His First Advent, His Second Coming will be The Big Event, the biggest event in human history since Calvary!  In the future, at just the right time, Jesus returns, terminates the seven-year Tribulation, and sets in motion His Global Kingdom.  It will be a uniquely Jewish worldwide expansion of the Kingdom of David over which Jesus reigns, enforcing peace with a rod of iron.  During that time, much of the curse is suspended and earth’s original edenic conditions are restored.
       The impression conveyed in Isaiah 9:7 is that Jesus sets up His Kingdom with the understanding that it is to last forever on this present earth—no end, no hint of an expiration date.  God’s good-faith intention is projected here and that is how it is prophesied (and indeed, when all comes to final culmination that is how it develops:  an eternal, physical Kingdom).  But in Revelation 20 we see another video of the same event, only this one describes a catastrophic rupture after just 1,000 years.  Is this a textual disparity?  No, not at all.  Isaiah 9 lays out the original plan; it tells how it was intended to be and could have been.  Then, Revelation 20 simply states what happens, how it actually works out—but offers no hint as to why a calamitous break occurs.

How Great is Our God
       So, how can God confidently declare an everlasting Kingdom on this earth and at the same time know that it will continue for only 1,000 years?  We see in Scripture several such seeming conflicts relating to God.  Well, the problem is with us.  We are such limited beings; we are unable to grasp the infinite immensity of our God.  At one level He knows all things from eternity.  At another level He is surprised at what He sees.  He is elated, pleased and rejoices when we do well.  He is amused at our nonsense and ridiculous banter and actions.  Then again He is shocked at the displays of our depravity and wickedness—it leaves Him grieving and repenting that He ever made us.  He offers us the best and we chase after the worst, and it hurts and angers Him.  But at the same time, over the course of all His various responses to us (we can readily identify with such responses—we are made in His image), there remains His eternal omniscience (that’s beyond us).  Somewhere in the unbounded vastness of who He is, it all comes together…perfectly.  Our proper response to Him?  Let go of it.  Don’t agonize to understand Him, just fall down before Him, worship, praise, adore and love Him.
       Again, Revelation 20:3 illustrates the principle outlined above:  Instead of throwing Satan directly into the lake of fire along with the beast and the false prophet (that would seem logical), God chains and imprisons him.  God is actively preparing for what He knows will transpire a thousand years hence—even as He sets up His Kingdom projecting His genuine intension of its being continuous with no end.

Conditional Promises   
       As to the Isaiah 9:7 promise given to Israel of an unending Kingdom, bear in mind that promises to Israel are always conditional:  people must continue to humbly obey God’s commands, which entails accepting His authority.  We see this conditional aspect in the glowing promises given to early Israel, promises of security, perpetual prosperity, health, national prominence and more…IF they maintained the conditions.  Sadly, they didn’t.  So, the promises were suspended, and Israel suffered severe punishment.  I can see a similar scenario playing out again in Revelation 20, but this time with the global population.

Why the Catastrophic Break?
       So, what will happen?  Well, Satan is released.  We are not told why.  It may be that God decides it’s time for testing; we know that when He deems it expedient, God tests people to reveal where they stand with Him.  Now, the element of testing may be a factor here, but I tend to think that also a complex situation develops and, over time, pressure builds for Satan to be released.  Bear in mind that people will still be tainted with the fallen nature and it’s predictable that boredom with leadership—even perfect leadership—may begin to creep in and metastasize.  Think about it:  Israel in the wilderness became bored with Moses’ anointed leadership.  King David’s leadership was uniquely blessed by God, but the people tired of that as well.  It happens.
       Project into the closing days of the Tribulation:  Look at those pitiful people…  They’re subsisting in the midst of a perilous, horrific life under the Antichrist. Then…Jesus returns and takes control!  The suffering survivors are transitioned into the peaceful, bright and bountiful Kingdom Age—what a stunning contrast!  Jesus displays His wise, good and marvelous leadership and they eagerly welcome and joyfully live under His authority.  But even with their extended lifespan, eventually all of the Kingdom pioneers die out.  Then, later generations who have grown up knowing only the beautiful Kingdom life may develop a sense of entitlement and begin to get bored and agitate for more leniency, more input and representation in government—and change… “anyone but Jesus!”  (We know the scene before Pilate when they demanded that Barabbas, the murdering terrorist, be released and that Jesus be crucified.)

       And…it’s possible that antisemitism may resurge for one last time.  Consider:  Prophecy indicates that when Jesus returns, the whole Jewish nation will be Spirit-transformed, radiating the selfless beauty of Jesus’ love and meekness—and they will be passionately committed to Him.  Under Jewish Jesus, Jews will be the top ruling class.  Not because they will clamor for power and domination, but because Jesus simply assigns it to them.  “Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth” (Mt 5:5).  They will be highly prosperous, likely controlling most of world finance and government.  Now, these prophesied conditions have been lifted out of context and wickedly manipulated to incite pogroms and the Holocaust in the past and antisemitism/anti-israelism yet today, but in the Kingdom Age, Jewish prominence will become reality.  In the early Kingdom years Jewish leadership and influence will be sought after and esteemed, but centuries later that may slowly rotate to deep resentment.

The Unthinkable…And the End
       If the above scenarios develop, it could set the stage for discontent that eventually mounts to where the unthinkable is happening:  people are loudly campaigning for Satan to be released and be their representative!  So, God relents…and Satan is released.  Whoa.  The old dragon quickly deceives the nations and incites a worldwide rebellion which is abruptly terminated by fire from Heaven (see 2 Pet 3:10–13).  So, the beautiful, ideal conditions of the Kingdom Age that could have continued with no end…will end, after only 1,000 years.  (We use the term, “the millennium” for that prophesied period.)  The millennial disaster ushers in the Great White Throne Judgement when the heavens and the charred earth are jettisoned and Satan, and all sin and sinners, are consigned for eternity to the lake of unquenchable fire.
       Now, admittedly, much of the last four paragraphs can be labeled “speculation.”  But consider:  This view (without symbolizing anything away) ties the ends together, and it fits Scripture.  On the other hand, for someone to say that there is no millennium—that view does not fit Scripture, it leaves things in divided confusion, and it employs extensive speculation.

The Kingdom Resumed—and Even Better
       So, a major break occurs at the 1,000-year juncture.  But then God’s Global Kingdom resumes in a new setting, and this time it can be guaranteed to continue forever, to have “no end.”  That’s because every trace of sin (sin, that sabotages every utopia—sin, with its innate anarchy and rebellion) will be forever banished.  And that ruinous, adamic element of our human nature, the sin-taint predisposing us toward evil, will be eliminated (thank you, Lord!).  That’s when the New Jerusalem comes down through the new heavens to settle on a totally new earth (See Rev 21).  Jesus will victoriously deliver the Kingdom to His Father (see 1 Cor. 15:24–28).  That great celebration will likely also honor the complete merging of the Spiritual Kingdom and the Earthly Kingdom.  We will enjoy eternity living in the fully integrated Kingdom of God.
       Jesus can, at last, be the Prince of Peace in the way He prefers—no more rod of iron needed.  With their authority never again challenged, Father and Son will forever freely walk among us in joy and intimate fellowship, and we will live in spiritual-physical bodies that are totally energized by the Holy Spirit.  Father, Son and Holy Spirit will, as ever, constitute our One Triune God, and we will be His people—the gentle, joyous, perfect, never-ending Magnificent Kingdom—just as He always wanted.
       Another thing…the whole Kingdom drama will constitute a monumental demonstration of how our God can step into the most horrendous, tragic situation that sin and Satan can conjure up against God and His plans, and the Almighty can clean it up and then create the ultimately good situation that eclipses anything He has ever done before, the bright, perfect, eternal New Heavens, New Earth and New Jerusalem.  All glory and praise to Him forever!

Seeking the Right Attitude
       Before the Lord began revealing these things to me I was rather strident about my millennial viewpoint.  (Am I alone?)  Since then I’ve become a bit uncomfortable with that attitude.  So, how should we handle what we learn when comparing Isaiah 9 and Revelation 20?  We might do well to ease back somewhat on our emphasis of the millennium as we teach about the Kingdom and how it applies to our worldview and actions.  I say this because there is no indication in Old Testament prophecy of any break in the coming Kingdom.  My assumption is that when Jesus returns, His Kingdom will be set up projecting the intention of its being continuous on into eternity—it might be better if we presented the Kingdom in the same way.
       It’s as if studying Revelation 20 gives us insider information that needs to be treated with proper discretion.  It calls for us to seek the mind of Christ and the Spirit’s wisdom as to when, how, and to whom we share the information about the catastrophic interruption that occurs around the 1,000-year point.  We know it to be true.  We cannot deny it.  But it might be best in our preparing for the eternal Kingdom to proceed as if we did not know it.  Apparently that is the way God will be treating this and we need to be in alignment with Him.  It’s as if God is allowing us to have a tiny taste of how it is with Him, balancing His eternal over-arching knowledge which is always coexisting with His actions and attitudes that are continually responding to developments and events as they occur in time.  In any case, it seems better that our main emphasis always be that Jesus’ Kingdom is eternal, and indeed it is.

Approaching the Kingdom Age
       So…we’ve been surveying the long range overview.  But our pressing concern right now is gazing forward to Jesus’ glorious return to set up His Kingdom.  We need to get ready and stay ready!  You might wonder, “Why the urgency?”  There are numerous indicators that we are already in the beginning of the approach pattern which will land us in the Kingdom Age—and what will turn out to be “the millennium.”
       Besides Revelation 20 there are other indicators pointing to a break at the thousand-year point of the Kingdom Age.  There have been many who have written about this, but prominent among them is Judaic scholar, Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna (1720 – 1797).  He was also known as the Vilna Gaon, and he prophesied that there would be 7,000 years of history for this present earth and mortal humanity.  The rabbi described history as completing a week:  six “days,” (6,000 years) of work and then the Sabbath, a “day,” a millennium, of Rest under the reign of Messiah—total:  7,000 years.  (Apparently he used the Jewish teaching [quoted by Peter in 2 Peter 3:8], “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.”)  Granted, we don’t actually find a 7,000 year prophecy in Scripture, but it makes good biblical sense, it has the ring of revealed truth and current history as it is now unfolding does seem to affirm it.

Closer Than We Might Think
       Consider:  This year, the year I’m writing this, AD 2018, is Jewish year 5778.  Jewish rabbis derived their calendar from Scripture genealogy starting with Adam and following the messianic line.  Assuming they used the Jewish-favored Masoretic text, we have a problem:  In Genesis 11:12–13, Shem’s grandson, Cainan, is missing from the family line—for whatever reason…  Restoring Cainan to the genealogy adds 130 years to the total, so this is really year 5908, just 92 years away from the pivotal “Year 6,000.”  If we spread that 6,000-year timeline around a clock face, each minute representing 100 years, look where we are…92 years is less than a minute from midnight.  Apparently we are just 90 to 100 years away, give or take a few—that’s close!
      You may be thinking, “Ninety to 100 years from now?  My great-great grandchildren may still be alive but I’ll be long gone, why should I get excited?”  Make no mistake, we will be there to witness, experience and participate in all of it.  Consider:  At the last, the seventh trumpet during the Tribulation, we will be resurrected with our new Jesus-type bodies (1 Cor 15:51–52).  As for the believers who have survived up to that point, those who have carried the baton after we have died, the final Remnant, they will be instantly changed and together we will all be raptured, caught up to meet Jesus in the air.  “And so we will be with the Lord forever” (1Thes 4:17).  (All this occurs just before the full measure of God’s judgmental wrath is poured out with the bowls [see Revelation 16]—the Church does not experience God’s wrath, Jesus took that for us.)
       Living in oneness with Jesus (we are His Bride) means that when He returns, we return with Him.  Then, as the Kingdom is being set up we will be assigned our positions and responsibilities.  At that point, we will be wanting for those in the final Remnant to have been well trained, enduring victoriously and, under Jesus’ lordship, to have properly completed the Church’s mission, which entails merging into what will be not simply Jesus’ Kingdom, but ours—we will have quickly acquired an ownership mindset regarding that Kingdom.  Suddenly, it will be our job to build on the results of what we are doing now.  We have a personal stake in this; it behooves us to be learning how to set up training for those generations ahead so they can finish strong and be ready when Jesus comes for all of us.  Avoid the attitude of Hezekiah in Isaiah 39:8.
       Viewing from a different angle, this is now AD 2018, the 70-year mark since Israel declared independence in 1948, and I’m sensing that this is a highly significant juncture in God’s thinking.  Consider:  The facts on the ground have been accumulating and strengthening over the last seventy years.  We have witnessed Israel’s miraculous rebirth and survival despite multiple major wars when the Arabs attacked them with overwhelming strength intending to exterminate the Jews and their nation.  (By all standard military assessment, Israel should not have won those wars.)  Look at their growth, development, and wildly disproportionate world influence—all in the face of continuous existential threat.  God is obviously working His long range Kingdom purposes there.  Foundational elements for the Jesus Kingdom are, right now, coming together as the Nation of Israel continues to grow.  And, sooner or later, more attacks will force them to expand out and hold the strategic borders laid out in Ezekiel 47.  All this lines up with what we have seen above.  Identifiable evidence continues to mount that we are indeed seeing “…the Day approaching” (Heb 10:25).

Times Have Changed
       Up until now, if churches were not on board with God in His Kingdom Project, He seems to have viewed it with leniency.  But now His Kingdom plan has visibly advanced far enough that His attitude seems to have changed—God wants His people to join Him and change their attitude.  He wants us to acknowledge what we are seeing, what He’s doing, to awaken into awareness that the times have indeed changed—we are entering an era of transition:  We need to be preparing to be involved in His Earthly Kingdom, to be collaborating with the Lord of the Church to bring the Church to a victorious finality.
       Continuing to do church as we have been is likely to prove disappointing.  Operational techniques that may have worked for us in the past may be sharply diminishing in their effectiveness.  Our worldview must be updated, we must recognize where we are on God’s timeline, and that a new element has been added to our mission:   We are now called to be partners with Him in the process of merging this current Church Age into His developing Jewish Kingdom Age.  To a degree it has already begun:  Awareness of Israel and its implications for the Church is rising in some quarters.  Some believers, even churches, are celebrating Jewish feasts and festivals.  Pray for the Spirit’s leadership in how you should embrace the revised mission for the Church and what operational adjustments might be appropriate for your situation.
       Consider:  Jesus will return to rapture out His Bride, a unified, Bride.  Jesus is Jewish from Israel and His Bride will be Jewish/Spiritual Israel, comprised of believing Israel and the adopted, faithful, grafted-in Gentile Church, naturalized citizens of believing Israel.  Jesus is not a polygamist.  He will not be married to two brides, one Jewish and one Gentile—just one unified, purified Bride.  It is strongly in order that we concern ourselves with seeking and following the Spirit’s directives so as to allow Him to make that happen—becoming the Bride prepared for eternal marriage to Jesus. 

The Character of the Remnant Church
       The unified Bride concept does not mean that Gentiles should seek to become Jews or vice-versa.  For the most part, God made us the way He wants us to be.  There may be some insignificant differences in the way the Spirit may lead us to live and/or worship, but there should be solid unity in our foundational faith in Messiah Yeshua, in His redeeming blood shed for us, and our loyalty to the truth as revealed in all of His inspired Scriptures.  Study the early mixed Jewish/Gentile churches that Paul established; study how he, the quintessential Jew, lived among them and led them. That pattern needs to be reestablished and reentered into practice where appropriate.
       I am not sensing that Gentile churches embracing the Remnant vision should necessarily feel the need to take on the aspect of a Messianic Jewish congregation.  Some may want to, and that’s fine, it’s their choice.  Most churches will probably change very little; mainly it will be a matter of church members expanding their worldview to include awareness of how far we’ve progressed on the moving walkway of God’s advancing Kingdom timeline, how near we are to our Kingdom-destination.  This is about diligently finding and filling our proper place in support of His activity in Israel and with His Jewish people.  If, in any given church, there are other adjustments needed, the Lord will give direction.  Our aim is to live prayerfully and submissively under Jesus’ Lordship as the Head of the Church and over each local church.  That, of course, is the way it should always be.

Are We On Board?
       There is evidence that, going forward, God is monitoring whether or not a church is zealously supportive of Him in His Kingdom Project—in the way He’s doing His Kingdom…the Jewish way.  It has become clear to me that this new issue of our promoting Jesus’ coming Earthly Kingdom has become a major deciding factor in God’s thinking as to whether or not He will pour out His full blessing on any given local church.
       Those already on board are testifying to God’s singular blessing on their work.  Conversely, many who don’t see the importance of this issue, and thus are not involved, find themselves struggling against a gradual downward trajectory in their church as numbers and resources slowly shrink—and they wonder why.  Think about it:  Should God feel obligated to lavish special blessing on those who don’t share His passion for the Kingdom, the concept that has been in His heart since He planned it back in eternity?  The vision, the dream that He pondered from infinity about that… ”Kingdom”—God’s Kingdom-dream was the point, the motivation for all His Creation.
       The earth was to be His Kingdom-territory, the people were to be His Kingdom-citizens, and He, of course, would be the King.  But then, sin…  But then again, redemption was provided and offered to those who would believe and once again be qualified for Kingdom-citizenship.  And now, after six thousand years of gathering His believing, loyal citizens, God’s Kingdom is within sight.

The Kingdom is for His Glory
       Let’s clarify a bit:   As magnificent as it will be, the Kingdom per se is not an end in itself.  The Kingdom will be a mechanism by which God will eternally receive expansive glory to Himself.  Of course we, as Kingdom citizens, can’t generate all the glory He deserves—not even in eternity… but maybe we can achieve close to the maximum possible for us here and now?  I would like to think so.  In any case, until my last breath, I am pouring my entire being into efforts toward making it happen.
       Consider:  In that final, eternal reality, all sin with its pride and selfish ambition will be gone.  That means that throughout eternity we will never tire or become bored with praising and glorifying God.  Our praise will be ever flowing out to Him, and His matchless joy and overflowing fulfilment will be ever flooding into us.   What a wondrous prospect—and we are getting close!  Understandably, God is enthusiastic about seeing it actually happen.  It stands to reason that He would want His people to align with Him in His anticipation and excitement.  I sense that this is the choice before every church and every believer.
       All of the above distills into the Remnant position that our Lord’s return, His coming Kingdom, and our personal participation in it—these are more than elements of our accepted end-time view as might appear on a doctrinal statement, they are a major part of our operating system, it is how we live.

Remnant Membership
       Remnant members today are much the same as the Early Church members described in Acts and the epistles.  Scan how it was with them:  Each one chose to trust Jesus personally; they lived lives of constant spiritual dependence on all He accomplished in His suffering as the Passover Sacrifice at Calvary, the sin-forgiving, cleansing power of His shed blood.  God responded to their faith by crediting them with Jesus’ righteousness and holiness, and they were born again by the transforming redemptive indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Then came water baptism—an enacted testimony portraying their vicarious identity with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus who had saved them and washed their sins away.
       The usual pattern was that, following water baptism, possibly while still in the water, they received the Baptism with the Holy Spirit (most often with laying on of hands) and thus they were Spirit-indwelt on another, more powerful level.  With that second experience they were enabled to share their new faith with convicting persuasion; each one was specifically gifted and equipped to carry out whatever life-mission God had ordained for them.  In that Early Church environment, they quickly caught the impelling, purifying prospect of Jesus’ soon return—they fully expected, any day, to be raptured out in the course of that glorious event.  Indeed, they viewed themselves as the last generation before His second coming.  In the curl of that high wave of anticipation, the Spirit moved mightily with signs, wonders and healings—which only further charged the atmosphere.
       And now, approaching the end of the Church Age, with ever-growing evidence that Jesus’ appearing in royal power is most certainly on the horizon, the time has come when God is scanning for those who will recapture the anticipation, the vision and passion of our brothers and sisters in the Early Church.  As He did then, He again wants to pour out His blessing and bring His Church to a closure probably more dramatic than when He introduced it at Pentecost.  Who will sign up to be part of that?
       Churches may coalesce around these principles and become hubs of blessing, but individuals also can come into heart-membership as a Remnant believer while still active in a fellowship that has not yet caught the vision.  One might be led to remain involved and serve as a missionary of the vision—or maybe there is no Remnant-minded church in that area.  Either way, he/she is linked in spirit with all others who hold the Remnant worldview.

The Requirement of Spirit Baptism
       We have touched on the Baptism with the Holy Spirit—we need to enlarge on that.  The going will most certainly get tough as we approach the end.  To faithfully endure, we desperately need the additional empowering of Spirit Baptism.  Persecution will become intense; there will be mounting pressure and demands for us to compromise, apostatize and, eventually accept the fatal “mark.”  Then, shortly before Jesus returns, we will be hunted like wharf rats and we’ll sorely need the Spirit’s shielding and deliverance—and, if we are captured, we’ll need His boldness to make the good confession, our final testimony (see Rev 7:9–14).  It will become mandatory to live in the resource of Baptism power—there is no way we will cross the finish line in true faith without it (see Mt 25:1–13).  In the face of the fury, we must stand firm and shine like stars displaying the peace, love and joy of the Lord.  Our humble, holy tenacity must be characterized by purity, power and praise.  That can authentically happen only when we are moving in Pentecost and the fullness of His Spirit.  Anything less will doom us to failure—with grave eternal implications.
       The only way to be reliably ready for crunch time is for us to enter that glorious second empowering as soon as possible (the New Testament pattern was at baptism right after being born again).  Delaying our entry can be dangerous (the moment you enter, you’ll wonder why on earth you ever hesitated).  After end-time pressure has already descended, it may well be too late…
       That’s on the personal level.  Corporately, a Remnant Church will continuously operate in Spirit Baptism power, adhering to Paul’s inspired guidelines in I Corinthians 12–14, adapting as the Spirit directs to appropriately address any given situation.  In the latter days of assault and attack, churches may need to judiciously and protectively disperse into smaller groups.  But they will not be scattered into oblivion, they will become colony-forming units, as happened in the Early Church.

A Praying Church
       The Remnant Church will be a praying church.  We will pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for God’s protection, prosperity and blessing on Israel and the Jewish people.  We will pray for the lost, both Jew and Gentile, for missions local and worldwide, and that God will choose, prepare and send out yet more laborers into His overripe harvest fields.  We will lift up believers enduring persecution for loving Jesus, for healing, for national leaders—and so much more as needs become apparent.  But a permanent emphasis will be to follow the Lord’s Prayer and continually implore God to bring His Kingdom into reality, “...your kingdom come” (Mt 11:2).
       True, Jesus’ Kingdom is prophesied, so we know it will happen.  At the same time, I’m getting the sense that a contributing factor in its coming into being is that it is prayed into being.  The Lord intensely wants to bring in His Kingdom, and will do so when the conditions are right, but He prefers that it be achieved in answer to our praying—He wants us to cooperate with Him by praying for it.  Remnant-hearted believers are determined to be in the forefront of those who fervently pray so that Jesus can be pleased to answer and bring His wonderful Kingdom into full bloom.
       If we are confronted by demonic possession, attachment, influence—any sort of dark spiritual activity, it will be prayerfully opposed by the Holy Spirit’s power in accordance with the principles of response that the Father honored in the ministries of Jesus and the Apostles.  Applying those principles resulted in full deliverance—to the resounding glory of God.
       Another prayer concern is to always maintain honesty and eagerness for full disclosure—it’s an operating principle of the Remnant Church.  Transparency avoids misunderstandings, disappointments and a Spirit-grieving, power-stifling, church-troubling situation such as occurred in Acts 5:1–11.

Maintaining Our Zeal
       Apathy is out of character for the Remnant.  We dare not settle into perfunctory church routines where tradition controls the program and stifles freedom to adapt as we operate in the Spirit and seek to sustain our forward-moving sense of adventure.  It’s imperative that we remain zealous (see Rev 3:15–16).  I’m seeing several factors that can help in retaining our freshness, our zeal:  First and most important is worship—vibrant worship of Jesus as our soon-coming King, and the prospect, the overflowing joy of seeing Him personally.  It’s freely worshipping our infinite, eternal, Triune God in the new reality.  It’s coming to know Him as He is right now, the God who is preparing the updated Promised Land, and preparing us for whatever may be our role in The Project—it’s pouring out praise to Him Who, even as we sing, is visibly building His earthly Kingdom.
       Proper, godly zeal motivates us to stay informed.  Selecting an ‘Israel Watch’ might be one way to do this.  Reporting regularly on Israel, they will share news with prophetic significance such as the expanding return of Jews back to The Land (aliyah).  We’ll follow developments as they build, plant and innovate, molding Israel into the Central Nation and Jerusalem into the Capital of Jesus’ Kingdom-Empire.  The Sanhedrin has been reinstituted and is issuing new regulations.  The restored priesthood is preparing items for a Temple and relearning Temple ceremonies as mandated in Leviticus and Deuteronomy.  (A Temple is prophesied, so one will be built—in unbelief.  It will actually be the fourth Temple, after those built by Solomon, Zerubbabel and Herod.  It will not survive.  Jesus will build the fifth/final.)  The Israel Watch will report on items like these as we chart God’s moving in Israel.  Indeed, we see new Kingdom-related information occurring nearly every week.  And…we can pray for their security and the strong arm of God’s defense in that region where they are surrounded by hostile forces utterly committed to completing Hitler’s final solution.

Other Zeal-Retaining Factors
       There are other zeal-retaining factors, like maintaining an emphasis on the certain return of Jesus/Messiah Yeshua to rule His Global Kingdom from Jerusalem.  That should inspire us to bless Israel with resources and encouragement—Israel is currently hard-pressed and very much in need of both.  As we stay informed, specific needs will surface relating to The Land and the people, issues that call for ardent prayer.  Such praying sets us up for rejoicing when we see God answer and advance His Kingdom purposes.  Let the last prayer in the Bible, “Come, Lord Jesus” (Rev 22:20), become a permanent part of your “pray without ceasing” prayer life.  Celebrate His reassuring response:  “Yes, I am coming soon” (Rev 22:20).
       Another zeal-booster is to assist Jews who want to return to Israel (aliyah).  The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem is sponsoring flights for all Jews.  We can support missions and missionaries who are upholding Israel in their struggles and actively winning Jews to Messiah Jesus.  On that note, attitudes are shifting among Jews, particularly in Israel.  Historic Jewish hostility against Jesus and Messianic Jews is softening into curiosity and even tenuous acceptance.  We need to be praying into that promising trend and praising God as we see it strengthen and advance.
       And, we can study.  There is a large body of prophetic Scripture relating to our time and what lies directly ahead.  A well-presented prophecy-themed Bible study series can generate keen interest in the congregation and maybe beyond.  It builds enthusiasm and a sense of purpose to become aware of what has already been fulfilled, elements that are being fulfilled, and to watch with anticipation for any movement in Israel that will fit in yet other pieces of the prophetic puzzle.
       If we do indeed stay zealous with our Remnant mission, maintaining our Kingdom emphasis, we can expect God to be pleased and bless us in unique ways.  As He begins to move in our midst, kindred believers in whom the Lord is cultivating a Remnant heart may hear and take notice.  Even unbelievers may be drawn to our forward-looking sense of purpose; we’ll gladly pray with them for repentance, salvation and inclusion into our church family.

Persecution—It’s Coming…
       Sooner or later, persecution will happen.  Even now, holding a Remnant worldview entails attitudes and actions that are unpopular in some circles.  Critics may fault us for several issues, like our favorable view of Israel.  Resistance could come even from segments of the Church, but expect it mainly from the outside.  Rejection, hostility and persecution of the global church has been rising steeply over the past few years due to a combination of factors:  (1) We are approaching the crisis 6,000–year mark; Satan knows that soon he will be seized and chained.  He is enraged and rushing to inflict as much damage as possible in these closing years, either directly or through the deluded, captive people who serve him.  (2) The prophesied lifting of the Restrainer is now in process (see 2 Thes 2:7).  The Holy Spirit is pulling back on the ‘Restrainer-of-Evil’ aspect of His administration which He evidently instituted after the Flood.  Today, with the lifting of the Spirit’s intervening restraint, we are returning to the wildly wicked conditions that prevailed before the Flood.  Jesus warned us about this time:  “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man” (Mt 24:37).  Paul prophesied in 2 Timothy 3:13 that “…evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.” But, praise God, we are witnessing how the world’s escalating resistance is also serving to actually strengthen the unity and resolve of committed believers who share the vision of the Remnant Church.
       It is my conviction that these Remnant-related matters are indeed true, and if we, in obedience, mold our lives and church operation in accordance with these truths, God will grant us grace that our joy and zeal be not only enduring but intensifying as our years of prepared watchfulness proceed.  This won’t be carried on hype (hype fades quickly), but rather a combination of rest in the Lord…and joy in the Lord.

The Joy Factor
       Joy is so inherent to who God is:  A joyful God!  He makes Heaven a joyful place.  Jesus intends for us to be full of joy:  “…that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (Jn 15:11).  ‘Completed joy’ was part of Jesus’ prayer for us:  “…that they may have the full measure of my joy within them” (Jn 17:13).  God wants us to be walking, vibrant display cases of His joy, glorifying Him and revealing His nature to everyone we contact.
       God wants us involved to the extent that we take ownership of His Kingdom Project, He wants us to share in the joy He is experiencing right now as He’s bringing it into being.  Why is Jesus so intent, so joyful about His Kingdom?  Aha…He knows the kind of Kingdom He’s building—a Kingdom wondrous beyond words!  “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived…” (1 Cor 2:9).  For Him it was worth unthinkable personal pain and death to attain it—any cost.  “For the joy before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame…” (Heb 12:2).
       Think about it:  As Jesus pondered the ghastly prospect of His looming Passion, He could see beyond the suffering, through the mists of time to when, if He succeeded at the cross, He would someday be King over His global Kingdom.  He could sense the indescribable joy that will erupt and flow and spread out over the vastness of His restored earth.  “The joy set before Him.”  Eventually, joy at the ultimate level will permeate all of life on the eternal New Earth.  I suspect that joy will be of such intensity that we could not physically tolerate it in our present mortal state.
       But right now, to experience Jesus’ developing-Kingdom joy, let’s heed the call to be fully immersed and heart-committed to His Project.  (Most today seem content with a casual assent to the Kingdom concept.)
       Spirit of the Living God, as you did for Jesus, may you place before us the vision of that powerful Kingdom joy, may we be incentivized to strive for holy living, serve you with zeal, and bravely endure persecution for loving Jesus, should that be unavoidably forced upon us.  Amen.
       God’s Remnant people are those who have ears that hear, eyes that see, hearts that understand.  This is the Body that God is putting together.  It’s good to know these things—blessed are those who do them.

Reaching Out
       We live to see people transformed by God’s redeeming, life-changing love, leading them to repentance, to faith in Jesus, into the expansive liberty of sins forgiven as bought by His blood.  New believers will be broadly trained in the faith.  So, outreach will be emphasized, not with the idea of enlisting supporters to help us maintain a hamster wheel of self-perpetuation, but rather to lead converts into a quest for godliness, and a goal-oriented, forward-looking, forward-moving expectancy as we share our mission of preparing the way for our Bridegroom-King.
       Studying the section from Acts 2:36–6:7, principles emerge that underlie the rapid expansion of the Early Church:  There was overflowing joy generated by the Holy Spirit—authentic joy is attractive.  There was total confidence in the truth and rightness of their doctrine and message—they knew their gospel had transforming power.  They had a genuine Spirit-spawned groupthink; they were unified in spirit, belief and action.  Common ideological can have a strong appeal.  When disputes arose they quickly and openly addressed them with a Spirit-guided solution; that avoids internal contentions which make any group unattractive.  These elements produced holy boldness to preach and witness in the face of withering persecution.  They retained a firm sense of family, a generous interdependence and responsibility to each other.
       The joy, unity, courageous faith, and holiness of life in the Early Church allowed the ungrieved Spirit to move freely among them in power with dramatic miracles, signs and wonders—and healings.  People were experiencing God’s healing, and the news spread.  Without the use of public relations expertise or promotional techniques, crowds gathered, responded and were added to the Church.  When God authentically moves, growth spontaneously happens.  I sense that God is ready to do it again in our time.  Such a church tends to find favor with common people—but some in government may view it as a threat.  Thankfully, God’s grace abounds to properly respond to challenges from either direction:  rapid church growth, or official resistance.

The Quest for Truth
       The Remnant Church seeks the truth, even when truth may not be politically correct, or may challenge someone’s cherished tenet.  Trendy doctrines don’t shape our beliefs; we strive to stand before the gaze of God holding to positions that are the truth. The Spirit inspired the Scripture and He knows the full and correct meaning of every text and what constitutes proper responses and doctrinal positions.  That’s what we want and we pray earnestly that He will fully reveal those things to us.   Our doctrine and practice arises out of the entirety of God’s Word, or is in complete alignment with His Word—we learn, teach and preach the whole Word of God.  Conservative, biblically faithful prophecy is a prominent interest in keeping with our emphasis of a Kingdom-destination.
       Doctrinal fidelity is important because we are committed to being a church where God’s Spirit is unhindered and free to manifest His power in our midst, and that occurs primarily when the Spirit is pleased—not just by our conduct but by the doctrinal positions we hold.  Every doctrinal position held personally or corporately that is not entirely true, will, to some degree, diminish the Spirit’s freedom to move in power.  We want to remain a powerful church and that feature is enabled as we remain united around teachings that are true, and we employ operational methods that are biblically principled, birthed in prayer and guided by the Holy Spirit.

Moral Purity
       The Remnant Church must remain a morally pure church.  Any hidden sin stifles God’s power (like Achan at Ai—see Joshua 7).  Known sin in the church which is ignored is especially weakening; worse yet is sin or moral perversion which is applauded or celebrated as inclusiveness, open-mindedness or held up as a manifestation of ‘how wide and accepting is the love of God.’  Such blatant reproaches not only quench the Spirit and hinder His power, but they usher in “other” spirits who are purveyors of a warm, delusive, softly glowing “love” which links people together at a different level.  Such “love” gathers adherents into its smiling circle; it’s totally accepting of everyone and everything —until confronted with the requirements of the authentic holiness of God.  And then it suddenly flashes into hostility.  Whoa…where did that come from?

Missions is Inherently Multicultural
       The Remnant Church maintains a strong emphasis on missions.  We are committed to praying, staying informed and being supportive of missions.  We reach out with the Gospel—locally, nationally and globally to everyone everywhere.  In our churches and our personal lives, our doors are open with a warm welcome for all who come—our lifestyle is inherently multicultural.  So, multiculturalism is not something we are inclined to separately stress, that would seem to be an awkward restating of the obvious in view of who we are and our strong missions emphasis.  (The Bible teaches, beginning in Genesis, that there is only one race of humanity—and science now affirms it.)
       But again, a Remnant church is more than a mission-minded church, it is a church on a mission.  It is a church with a sense of mission in its DNA.  Granted, the local congregation may meet at a location with a fixed address, but their mindset is forward-moving, they are going somewhere and they are clear about the destination:  They are headed for the Jesus-Kingdom.  And they are serious about preparing the way.

Our Way of Life
       We render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar—we pay our taxes.  We extend proper honor to whom honor is due, to God-appointed/God-allowed leadership, but we quietly decline to bow in a religious way to anything or anyone but King Jesus.  The Remnant Church accepts the inevitable:  As time goes on, the world’s leadership will become enraged at our quiet disregard for their obsession to control us.  For our part, we will obey all laws that do not contradict God’s laws, but if and when conflicting legislation is enacted we are duty bound to ignore and possibly resist such laws.  When that occurs we pray for grace and guidance to conduct ourselves in a respectful, wise and totally Christ-honoring way.  If our non-compliance brings severe response, we will humbly accept official reaction against us if it cannot be avoided.  We may suffer incarceration and/or be bloodied, but we will remain steadfast and unbowed.
       We fulfil our military obligations to the best of our ability—unless we are ordered to participate in action against Israel, or any persecution.  When the Antichrist’s identity is revealed, we will not serve under him or in any forces allied with him.

Remnant Involvement and Ministry
       This document lays out suggestions relating to Remnant Church operation.  Consider:  The Remnant Church needs to be promoted as a time-sensitive issue with an element of urgency (which is true), but we also accept that any local church may come into full involvement by an incremental process.  This calls for prayerful perceptivity to the Spirit’s leading and His intentions for each congregation.
       Don’t try to manufacture ministries.  Be committed to doing God’s work God’s way.  If we sincerely ask with no preconditions and are sensitive to His voice and His directions, He will reveal what He wants done and how to do it.  Make no allowance for conformity to expectations from any direction other than the Holy Spirit and the Word which He inspired.  Who are we trying to please?  Of course our chief concern should always be to please God, not man, but in the practical outworking of that principle, things may not always be simple.  Trying to please God does not give us the license to be rude and insensitive to people around us—God loves them and wants to lead them also into a place of productive truth.  The old maxim holds:  God first, others second, yourself last.  Pray often for the grace and cognizance to operate by that standard until it becomes a holy lifestyle.

Occupying until the Circle is Complete
       The Remnant Church will not be significantly concerned with perpetuation but rather preparation.  Consider:  When King Jesus returns He will assume full administrative oversight; our current mission will be completed (Lord, grant that we shall have finished well).  In the meantime we will occupy until He comes—and worship and glorify Him as though He were already here, which, in the realm of the Spiritual Kingdom and by the Spirit of Jesus, He is here.  We resolve to retain our zeal, to prepare ourselves and our children, who will teach their children successively…until we see Jesus and He sets up His Eternal Kingdom (see Ps 78:4–7).
       I’m getting a sense that Church history is on the verge of completing a full circle.  This means that as it was in the days of the Early Church right after Jesus left earth for Heaven, so it will be in the Last Days Remnant Church just before Jesus returns from Heaven to earth.  Our place currently is approximately where the Church was at the close of New Testament writing.  Things had tapered down from the stupendous beginning and were settling in for the long journey which has run about two millennia.  Now we are slowly tapering back up and my sense is that as Jesus’ appearing approaches, maybe 90 to 100 years from now, there will be a steep increase in healing, miracles and manifestations of the Spirit—all part of the completion of the full circle.
       As the Kingdom nears, we may be increasingly blessed with God’s vibrant Presence and even house-shaking responses.  The vision I’m getting is that He wants to begin pouring out His Spirit once again, displaying His power in the midst of those who are joined with Him in the establishment of His Kingdom Project.  As it was in early Acts, we can be looking for Him to perform widespread healing, particularly in cases that are beyond the reach of advancing medical science.
       But…God wants to meet us in worship and fervent prayer right now; we can and should be calling on Him for the authentic moving of His Spirit among us—moving that can come even without amped-up musical performance or eloquent presentation.  We pray for Spirit-responses that extend beyond and produce life-changes in us—because we have truly been with Jesus.

The Root of Israel and the Gentile Church
       When Jesus rode the young donkey, He was presenting Himself as the authentic King-Messiah of Israel—He was ready to restore the Kingdom of David.  Just a few days later, Israel’s Jewish leadership sent and had Jesus arrested in Gethsemane.  That constituted the official rejection of Jesus—His deity, royalty, messiahship and offer of a restored kingdom—the Jews said “No!”  Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection were the trio of immediate visible results.
       There were also three results in the spiritual realm:  1) the Messianic restored Kingdom of David was shelved for the long term.  2) The emphasis reverted back to the Eternal Spiritual Kingdom.  3) The door of salvation opened unhindered to all, Jew and Gentile alike; simply trust Messiah Jesus and we are saved.  Now, these new realities can be viewed as allowing new independence for Gentiles and Gentile Churches.  But how far does that independence actually go?  Is there still a linkage between the Gentile Church and the root of Jewish Israel?  Paul replies with a resounding, “Yes!” in Romans 11:11–24.  The key ideas in that text underlie much of this section.
       But, the questions above were first addressed in two declarations from Jesus, the first one to the Samaritan woman:   “…salvation is from the Jews” (Jn 4:22), then the other:  “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself” (Jn 12:32).  The first pronouncement identifies the ethnic source of salvation, the Jews.  The second narrows it down to which Jew is the Source, Jesus; it also declares the breadth of the offer of His salvation:  all—Jew, Gentile, or any mixture.  All.
       Let’s examine the background and the nature of the root of Israel:  The essential, redemptive fiber of that root is Jesus.  Who called and walked with Abraham?  It was Jehovah, the pre-incarnate Jesus.  Who was symbolized by the sacrifice of Isaac—and the ram?  Jesus.  Indeed, Jesus was the One guiding the selection of Jacob over Esau, of the acceptance of Jacob’s twelve sons as tribal heads.  Think of the imagery surrounding Joseph who was specially loved by his father, rejected by his own family, ‘slain’ by his brothers, and went away for a long time.  Finally he was appointed top executive ruler over all of Egypt, was reconciled with his family and they were elevated to prominence.  It combines to portray the experience and destiny of Jesus (—and Israel).
       Recall about David, son of Jesse:  Jehovah/Jesus was guiding the development of David, a rather unnoticed lad, but one who had a unique heart for God.  Eventually he was made king over united Israel, and he conquered surrounding Gentile nations.  God promised him a royal line that would never end—again, it laid out a forecast of what Jesus did and will yet do.
       Jesus-imagery permeates Israel’s history—it’s His story, Jesus’ story.  Jesus is the fiber that makes up the root of Israel.  The patriarchs of Israel, the laws, the Jesus-portrayal in the feasts and fasts, and most certainly, the destiny of Israel—Jesus is the substance of it all.  Jesus is the Redeemer of Israel; in Him is the personal salvation that transforms Jews who trust Him.  But not just Jews, He is the Salvation-Redeemer of anyone who entrusts their entire being to Him.  But although non-Jews may be grafted in and born again, Jesus, whom we depend on, always retains His Jewishness and is always the fiber of the root of Israel.  The spiritual sustenance for everyone is drawn from the Root of Israel, from Jewish Jesus.  We are eternally indebted to Jesus, to the Jews, to Israel.  In Jesus, Jews and Gentiles are all related—one spiritual family. 
       Originally, people simply believed in the promised One (see Gen 3:15) and God accepted them and granted them righteousness/salvation.  After Israel was instituted through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, it became clear that the coming One would be of the root of Israel.  People then believed unto new life/redemption through the coming Jewish One.  Finally, after He was born, the world learned who He was:  His name was “Jesus.”  He was the greater, royal Son of David.
       Finally, after His own people Israel rejected Him, it was revealed that to be saved, one need only to trust Messiah Jesus, the One who bought redemption by His suffering.  To a great extent, the basis of salvation was brought back to where it had been before Abraham:  believe and be saved.  But now there was a new element:  we ought to carry a sense of thanksgiving and obligation to the root of Israel out of which Jesus came.  He is Jewish, and when He returns to reign over all, He will elevate His family.
       So, we have before us the ethnic background of Jesus and the implications that go with it.  Granted, for one to be saved, it’s not required to acknowledge and accept these realities, but joyfully doing so will greatly enrich our salvation and the redemption we walk in.  There is a very real dimension of God’s blessing that comes only to those believers who affirm and are grateful, not just for Jesus and His salvation, but for Jesus and His Jewishness.  Don’t miss it.

This prophecy was given to my wife, Gayle, on November 19, 2018:
       Are you fully involved in the live-streaming of My Eternal Kingdom priorities?  If not, why not?  Identify My priorities; identify the hindrances to being in the stream of My priorities.  When this begins to happen I will open the windows of Heaven and you won’t be able to receive all the blessings.  I will forgive sins and heal the land.  These are packaged promises—packaged, ready for delivery.  This is for individuals, churches, church groups and nations.  I mean this for your good and My glory.  You will see My goodness in the land of the living.
       Operate in the real.  Let this be your operating system in the realm you are now in.  Don’t put this on the back burner.  I want to be foremost in your thoughts; if not, your thoughts become idolatry—and I allow no other gods before Me.  Choose this day who you will serve:  There are two choices, My priorities, or the idolatry of your thoughts.
       You can’t make this happen, it’s a work of the Holy Spirit, but you have to buy into it.  I will show you how to do that.  This is not a work of the flesh, I Myself will flesh it out.