The Remnant Church
Richard L. Wilson
The Core Mission of the Remnant Church is to be a resounding “Yes!” to Jesus’ question in Luke 18:8, “[W]hen the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”
Jesus is the Head of the Remnant Church. By His Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, He contacts, directs and is glorified by and in His Church. The Remnant Church is a joyful, forward-looking body, focused and motivated by our goal, which is praying for and preparing the Bride of Christ for His physical return to assume His royal position as Jewish King Jesus, absolute monarch over His Global Jewish Kingdom-Empire.
The Remnant Church has three pillars:
1. The Bible While acknowledging that significant sections of Scripture are poetry and some parts are obviously symbolic, we believe that God intends for us to accept literally the larger balance of His Inspired Word. That includes all of Genesis 1–11 with Creation in six 24-hour days and a global Flood, acceptance and promotion of scriptural moral standards, the coming Kingdom Age, a literal Heaven for those who are redeemed by faith in Jesus and a literal, eternal lake of fire for the unredeemed. We will support and judiciously protect sacred human life beginning at conception.
2. Spirit Baptism We accept, teach and promote the Baptism with the Holy Spirit as the life-empowering intended for every believer in this Church Age. Believers will exercise their love-regulated spiritual gifts in the meetings and thus, under the command of the Spirit of Jesus, they will not only be His Body, His Church and His bride, but they will operate as such. Believers will minister to all in humility and coalescing love, both inside and outside the fellowship, with witness, encouragement, teaching, healings, miracles—however the Spirit directs.
3. Blessing Israel and the Jewish People We enthusiastically support the political State of Israel as reestablished by the Lord in 1948 to be the Jewish National Home. We view the State of Israel as the developing infrastructure through which King Jesus will ultimately bring in His Eternal Kingdom. In no way does this mean we accept every current governmental policy decision or action, or every practice or lifestyle occurring in the nation. No. Our acceptance of Israel is a forward-looking acceptance based on the conviction that, in spite of how details may now appear, God is working out His cosmic program and purposes, and we are totally on board with that.
It’s like a three-legged stool, if any one of these pillars is missing or weakens, that Remnant Church fellowship will fall and fail to fulfill its covenant purpose.